
Saturday, August 23

Well as this politico really starts to unravel, the liars and the bigots, the nay sayers come out in full force.

What does concern me, is how much money these politicians are making, when they are only public servants, Do you see something wrong with this? I do!

Friday, August 15

The Change is in ones (O) Own mind!!!

Change begins at home!

Well whatt do you want to change?
I want profiteering to be stopped vanished by my magic wand
I want a smaller government
I want taxes to only pay for the local needs of the community, to live in a constructive society
I want doctor to lower there rates and get rid of health care exponentially, until the age of 55 when the need for a difference is in order, and a monthly due will be payed to the group holding of a community. (look a how usaa) offered health insurance for so many years.
I want equal pay for commensurable work.
I want welfare abolished, (this helps no one Long term)
I want a government portal sight, where the people (US(Because we are the living working advisers)
I want the government people to again realize they are civil servants
I want civil servants who have a life out side making rules laws and administering for others
I want the so called politicians to step down, or I will knock you down real soon, for the work is volunteer, the work is in helpful administration for a populace.
I want the politician to make an income on their own accord prior to holding a (volunteer position in office) (i don't want to pay for free will raises on wimm)
I want my politicians to be of the land and of the office and of their family, (for in return i know they will look out for the interest of others) because it is close to there own home)
I want politicians to receive the same policy health and care, all other people in this country contend with.
I want the supreme court to have a 5 year rotation
I want the judiciary system to apply standards to court cases, (claims court need not exist)
I want the courts to decrease in size and increase in efficiency
I want peace officers to be the peace officers, again
I don't want to be on the street with the law breaking pigs in uniform
I want the police to be respected for what they do, not condemned for it.
So these means laws changed in the drug arena, (thus the police will strictly be on the look out for FUps and hooligans
I want the house of reps and the senate to meet more often
I want the local reps and senate to meet twice a month, with reports of the local bills and standings
I want the government to stop amending and enacting whatever law and right suits the moments fancy.
I want to see a definitive effort on all local government, so on a quarterly basis at the white house, it is like a show and tell on how well the areas are doing, and there for a whole.
I want the large decisions effecting the nation, to be administered in the beginning of the year or quarter, and people opinions heard and heeded, until the meeting date of all the member
We Need a Smaller Government
THE Malicious Military needs to be put in Check. ( it and its principles are way out of line and hand)
Military is only the observer of a nation, in waiting. As foo dogs, or lions at the gate, always on guard on home turf, keeping the bad spirits at away.
Education is the right of every individual trying to better themselves.
The Student Loans, need to be dealt with, and this is another area I would not mind my tax dollars paying for, up to a bachelor/master level degree. Americans Only
I want the word subsidy to be only a term of the past, whom have learned thier mistakes
We must become an out spoken local trustworthy government, to be a concise and orderly national government.
The President is not the most important thing, Frankly he is the least.
The local and state level is what and who speak the terms of endearment to the national.
Colleges and Institution need no longer have any further connection with the government,
There merit and money need to be budgeted and managed properly to support advancements and studies, also the need for more collaboration amongst each other. (Were all in this together)
I want the government to have NO jurisdiction on land or building, this is all PUBLIC/s/PRIVATE property. ( this just changed one day) and has been horrible ever since)
I want the government and stocks to be diametrically opposed and other worldly to the other
I want the Taxation of income to be done away with, and the tax on the things I purchase with this money to be going to the local and state, then what is left to the federal.
I want the deficit to be put in the hands of the best business men in the is country as A freelance project. To create a timetable and positive solution and plan for action.
I want the pricks to keep there dirty little hands in there own pockets, those Politicians who have been stealing from the people for the last 150 years.
I want the money we print to only be printed if we have an official commodity to back it. (( paper in the world)) at least it better not ever get this way) is not valuable enough. To support and whole country.
Soon it may be bodies) as mint( currency) Y... ipes!
I want to live a personal life a love, with the enjoyment of a community, all included. Without the infringement of others weakness, unwillingness, deviousness, and or maliciousness to impede on my standing in the world.
Also I will always and have always retained the right to take matters into my own hands if the situation calls for it. (yes people) everyone of us is also A peace officer.
You know when another is out of line, straighten them up.
They will appreciate it, if they don't, well you did what you needed, and they will be reprimanded every time there after by some one a little sterner stronger and better position to make sure they are not being unjust to others.

In business
I want big business to understand limitation
I want business to understand death
I want business to understand ownership and what that means on a global scale (? mom and pop?)
I want business to stop overdeveloping and becoming overtly specialized
I want business to profit without malice or greed
I want business to be want others enjoy and want to give there self too.
I want business to be productive, not overvalued commodity, that devalues all goods services and individuals abilities
I want business to be a better part of community, ( maybe no governt involved health care) only business. OR Church or Neighborhood. There is another way (Obama is wrong)
I want business too stop over saturating and depleting all the natural good that is associated with market and producing and manufacturing, the like.
Business, People, Time, to get yourselves in check!~


Timing was to symbolic for me on that last post to change it,

but Tobacoo, crack and Meth need to be separate from the others anyway/.

these are the biggest killers,
For the American, English race of a bunch of addicts

Slavery, wage,
{NEED} Breed, negate the presence of thoughtful active progress

{Need} it all starts and ends there,
One need community need,
WHERE did that word become perversely misinterpreted?
When How WHY?
Tea, Chocolate, Coffee, SUGAR, Cocaine

Opium, Heroin,Television,Talk Radio,Alcohol

Lsd, Absenthe, Datura

Cannabis,Mushroom,DMT,Salvia Divinorum, Ayahausca

Who what when where? Dont you think that information is valuable.

The criminalization of it all must end, society has already faltered, in the ad vocation of suppression,and the Central intelligence and the mophoratic lords profiteer killings
wake wake up!
The apex of destiny.



symbolic three and four
With a center ground of still rotation, continuing to spiral around, keeping the edges of deceit constantly at bay.
With the solid still precision of a meditating intelligent keen eye of truth.

Yeah it is a label, by we have it lets make it a strength.
Gen X
Gen Y ( we will do this only because we love YOU)

And the rest of you put off, sluffed it away. until now XY stand as atlas with all the wrongs of the past now perched upon our shoulders, not quietly, but screaming and laughing at the atrocity.

And even the x tried to get away.!

But here we are strong and solid with all eternity to make it right again.
Yes we will see the world of dreams become a reality.
Safe we are Secure
The holy mess of continual political and religious digest, creates nothing more than an indigestion already so abundant in these cultures of fake foods and meats. In which the one consuming it has never even touched it before the moment of shoveling the lardly carcass and fly fruit in to the chompers and down the cancorous cancer of an esophogus.
This be the location of the voice, maybe this is the reason for so many limphatic lies, and laturgical spit wads spewing from such voiced tongues.

You are what you eat, MFERS!
And in translation what you speak, even though it is weak,((actions are stronger than words) for these have never culivated the nectar of ones own healing juices.( meaning love live grow loss and nourish crops of thy worlds body) (HARD(body,mind,spirit,intellect) Work sweat and real tears are joy in the name of living)
Not only pay and consume?! Give Me give me give me More I want More I want MORE!("")
what was the whole trail excursion of the money in your wallet?
Aww for apathy, the nations most abundant fuel.. oops i mean marketable matter,of a fact, so interlaced is a sort of linguistic mace in the ear and porous minds asunder most of the peoples own stupefied blunder. Taking it all in.. I question not for thou SHOUT be wrong!

Thus the creation Apathy Live it Breath it Youll Loovvee IT. (GAS CHAMBER) anyone?
The Serpent Consuming HIS own tale.

In the land of Plenty which is our mother earth. Where the father patriarch, has gagged and silence her voice. She now has now been whispering into ours ears and minds and dreams of the night. Asking us to take a stand and to wake up Yuppie) just like the guppies of the deep. Getting lost in many troubles because they are allows blindly following there school master. Well we are no fish we are beings, with innate rights of way and intelligence to complete this way of forever living prosperity and joy, with working communication community and actions of the individual.
None of which can be gagged, We must rescue our mother, all other humans have failed before. It is again time to shine in the glory of the days. No one was meant to live in means of oppression and degradation, it is all only a powerful delineation of thought and malicious intent for need to feed. No thought is involved only reaction in haste and waste.
Turn off the tv.
Get up and get out.
Why accept something that obviously doesn't work, and hasn't worked. You want change this is the change, we write it we speak it we make it,. THAT IS HOW IT IS!